Ashford Castle 2025 History Festival
Taking place on 28 February & 1 March, the event will focus on the history of the West of Ireland and feature: Accommodation choices: Guests
Taking place on 28 February & 1 March, the event will focus on the history of the West of Ireland and feature: Accommodation choices: Guests
The is an interesting lecture by Duchas Heritage, Clonakilty, which took place recently, as part of the Michael Collins Centenary Commemoration Events 2022. It is a presentation
By Gardiner S. Mitchell, Published by YES Publications £16.90 First published 1991 2nd. Publication 2008 This book does “exactly as it says on the tin”.
University College Cork (UCC) hosted the National Famine Commemoration on the 12 May 2018 attended by President Higgins and hosted by An Tánaiste and Minister
Volume 22, 2006 Richard Flatman (editor); published by Irish Family History Society, PO Box 36, Naas, County Kildare, Ireland; e-mail:; 2006; 128 pages. The annual
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