Hello to all our members from Noel chairperson IFHS and the members of the IFHS committee- Lucinda, Joan, Roy and Dan.
Hope you are keeping well and safe during these unprecedented times. We were sorry not to have our AGM and Lectures on 28th March. There are no plans yet as regards having our November Lecture Day but will let you know at a later stage.
Our News Sheet 1 will be available on the Website by the end of the month. If any member did not receive a copy by email, just let us know. Our News Sheet is compiled by Lucinda and this one has plenty of interesting news as well as a very detailed and comprehensive summary of the presentations at last years’ November Lecture Day.
Joan our Treasurer continues to process all things financial. New members are still joining which is very positive. Membership runs from 1St January to 31st December each year.
Roy, our Journal Editor continues to look for articles for the 2020 Journal. All Articles should be submitted to him by 1st September. Please contact Roy at journal@ifhs.ie
Dan, our database wizard, looks after all IT matters, a very necessary role.
If you have any suggestions or comments you would like included on the Website, contact Noel at info@ifhs.ie
All the best to our members from the IFHS Committee.